JustUnfollow: The Perfect App for Anyone Who Likes To Act Like A Highschooler

JustUnfollow.com is the greatest app ever. Since it matured into a “holistic friend management platform” it’s helped 5 million users find their “right friends” – from which we should presumably conclude that “right” friends are those who like to be “managed”. Which I guess makes me a “wrong” friend.

Happily, most of my friends are also “wrong” friends who don’t appreciate being ditched if they have a busy month and can’t tweet, and find it somewhat childish that someone would pretend to like them and then suddenly drop them if they don’t pretend to like the person back. Not to deny the basic reciprocity of human social interactions, but honestly, if you need an app to work out who’s still interested in you, maybe it’s not them.

Or here’s an idea. Follow people if you’re interested in what they have to say. Follow people if you are not in the least bit interested in what they have to say but recognise them as a friend or ally. And follow people you need to follow or there’ll be tensions around the family dinner table this holidays. Otherwise, don’t follow people. Oh, I know, it’ll never work.

Here’s a more realistic idea: use JustUnfollow to NOT be a childish arsehole. Use it to help you consider whether you really still have an interest in or relationship with one of the hundreds of people you genuinely thought you were interested in but, over time, kind of weren’t anymore, and not just to bitchily cut somebody for not grooming your ego.

And certainly not to autotweet.

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